October 26, 2015
Hola mis queridos!!
"Hello Sisters :-) How are you? I wanted to let you know I DO want to be baptized the 31st! :-)" |
Hope you all had a great week because I know I sure did. You know a
week is good when it is suddenly Pday again and you don't even know
how. You have a baptism the following week, and you get to wear your
rain boots because it won't stop raining.
Well as for the title. We received the best text message ever this week during our studies Thursday afternoon. It went something like this. "Hey hermanas I just wanted to let you know that I DO want to be baptized Octubre 31st." We were so SURPRISED because we were fully planning to move the date back a week and give Liz a little bit more time to recognize the Lord's hand in her life and be ready. Then, we received the text. Needless to say we thanked our Heavenly Father for such a great blessing and being put in a position to be able to teach her. It was incredible. We went out and visited her the next days to go over the preguntas bautismales <baptismal questions> and she just knows. She said that she was praying to know what she should do and if the 31st was the right time and she found a scripture that talks about not delaying your repentance. When she read that she just knew there was no reason to wait an delay the chance to have the Holy Ghost and be clean again. She came for the evening and Sunday session of District Conference and passed her interview with flying colors. Our district leader was like, "wow, great job with her she is so
Well as for the title. We received the best text message ever this week during our studies Thursday afternoon. It went something like this. "Hey hermanas I just wanted to let you know that I DO want to be baptized Octubre 31st." We were so SURPRISED because we were fully planning to move the date back a week and give Liz a little bit more time to recognize the Lord's hand in her life and be ready. Then, we received the text. Needless to say we thanked our Heavenly Father for such a great blessing and being put in a position to be able to teach her. It was incredible. We went out and visited her the next days to go over the preguntas bautismales <baptismal questions> and she just knows. She said that she was praying to know what she should do and if the 31st was the right time and she found a scripture that talks about not delaying your repentance. When she read that she just knew there was no reason to wait an delay the chance to have the Holy Ghost and be clean again. She came for the evening and Sunday session of District Conference and passed her interview with flying colors. Our district leader was like, "wow, great job with her she is so
said, "it wasn't us. She came prepared. We were just blessed to give her the resources and ability to know more." So we will be having the happiest of halloweens this Saturday with the baptism of Liz. Keep her in your prayers because the week before the baptism is always full of challenges from that meany, Satan.
In other news I hit one full year in Paraguay this week!! Say what? It is such a
testament to me that the Lord knew where I needed to serve and it was in this part of Paraguay and with my mission president, I just remember thinking I would never serve in Paraguay. Jokes!
Other than that my ponderizer for the week is D&C 122;7-9. It is a bit long but I am striving to be more positive and hope filled every day and I know that whatever trials come will be for my benefit and good and that as I turn to my savior he will help me through them because he has been through worse and is always there to lift me! I love the scriptures, I love this gospel, and I love that we have the opportunity and privilege to pray each and every day. I challenge you all to pray to know how you can best share this wondrous gospel with those around you. Maybe it is reading the Book of Mormon at work in front of nonmember co workers, maybe it is writing your testimony in the libro de mormon and giving it to the missionaries, maybe it is inviting over the missionaries and nonmember or less active members over for dinner. But I know there is a part that we all must play with our without the tag. So get to it! The joy you will feel and find is the most fulfilling in this world!
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