Hola mis queridos!!
Cecilia is doing great and her cousin, Cristhian, only needs his interview to be all set for the 15th. He is so ready and guess what?? I am doing the 18pages/day BOM challenge in a month. And he is doing it with me. He is gold!!! Julio was baptized in, oh so, Julio style. It was great and despite my worries and reservations he had a great and sincere testimony and actually looked genuinely happy. Carla bore her testimony on Sunday and it was incredible. Probably one of the most sweet moments of my mission so far. It is so visible the change in her, and you can feel it as well when she testifies of the church. It was seriously awesome.
Other than that, I had a mean fever that made things all sorts of interesting. Hermana Martinez and I sent our babies (greenies) out to contact in our area alone last night. They are both gringas that are getting ready to finish their training and they did great and even made it back to the church alive!! Super proud mama!!
Nursing, as usual, is crazy but I am learning and, hopefully, helping people along the way!! I may actually be closer to getting my visa. We will see. Well, I found a scripture that I LOVED this week that was an answer to so many prayers. It is in 1 Nephi 18:3. It talks about going into the mount oft and praying and then receiving great things of the Lord. We all have the opportunity to go up to the mount of the Lord which is the temple and go with a prayer in our heart to receive the answers we need. I know that as we do this we will be able to know the will and mind of our Lord for each and every one of us!! Oh and feel free to join me on my BOM in a month challenge!! It is going to be great!!
Love ya,
hermana albach
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